Monthly Spreads, Challenges, and Prompts

June 2023

It's important to remember that Pride began as a riot, a revolt, a revolution. Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Stormé DeLarverie, and Miss Major Griffin-Gracy and many others grew tired of the bigotry and discrimination by authorities and fought back. I created this spread with the spirit of that fight. These days, conservatives are fighting harder than ever to erase Queer and Trans rights which is why we have to maintain the same rebellious spirit. We have to show up (at the polls), show out, and protect marginalized communities that are being threatened. 

For this spread, feel free to pull tarot cards, oracle cards, whatever works for you. You can pull one card or multiple cards for a more nuanced reading. I hope you have fun with this one.

Summer Soltice Spread

Here's a bonus spread for Summer Solstice. I wanted this to be fun but introspective by focusing on what changes will come with the new season of Summer. The last card, Soak it Up, is meant to be a fun, light-hearted, positive message. I'd use an oracle card but you can use a tarot card as well. In fact you can use oracle cards for this entire thing. Do what ever feels right for you! Happy Summer Solstice and for those of you in the southern hemisphere, this can work for you as well! Happy Winter Solstice. 

July 2023

Shifting Sands is the theme of July's spread. Every year I am surprised at how quickly July arrives. I often feel like I've been trying to make my way through deep sand drifts. I've had my head down, concentrating so much on putting one foot in front of the other, that by the time I look up, I realize the landscape has completely changed. Soon Summer will pass and Autumn will arrive, and before you know it, another year has slipped by. This spread serves as a reminder to take a moment to survey your surroundings and prepare for the changes ahead. Please Enjoy
